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Three Teshuvot from Ta'anit Esther (13 Adar)

שו"ת מהר"ם מלובלין ל"ט 13 Adar 5360 (1600) Maharam of Lublin is a responsum from 1600, about how to write names in a get, in this case Mirush and Mirel.

שו"ת אורח משפט או"ח קמ"ו 13 Adar 5680 (1920) R. Kook discusses when Bayit ve-Gan reads Megillah on Purim, since it wasn't physically connected to Jerusalem, and whether one may drink on Purim if he will then be too drunk to daven.

שו"ת שבט הלוי ז':קפ"ג 13 Adar 5748 (1988) R. Wosner wonders whether we may use shemittah produce for mishloach manot on Purim.