857. Carrying for Bathroom Use

Shabbos 26:4

It is permitted to bring three smooth, fist-sized stones into the bathroom (for use as toilet paper, as was the practice in former times). One may not take a clod of dirt, which is likely to fall apart. One may take such stones up to the roof to clean himself; if rain has fallen on them and they sank into the mud, they may be taken if there is a clear indication of where they are. If a stone shows signs it has been soiled, one can be sure that it is used for this purpose so it may be carried even if it is larger.

Shabbos 26:5

If a person has the choice of cleaning himself with a stone or with a shard of earthenware, he should use the stone unless the shard came from the handle of a utensil; in that case he should use the shard. What if one has the choice between a stone or grass? In such a case, if the grass is soft, he should use that, otherwise he should use the stone.