856. Bricks and Brooms

Shabbos 26:2

Brooms made of branches, used for sweeping the ground, are utensils whose purpose is permitted because sweeping is permitted on Shabbos. Bricks left over from a construction project are also utensils whose purpose is permitted because they are fit to sit on, which is clear from the way they are filed and arranged for this purpose. However, if a person has been stockpiling such bricks, it is obvious that they are designated for construction work, in which case they may not be carried.

Shabbos 26:3

One is permitted to carry a small shard, even in a public domain, because it is suitable for use in a courtyard as the cover for a small utensil. If the stopper of a barrel is cut off, it may be carried, as may its broken pieces, unless they were thrown into the trash before Shabbos. If a utensil breaks on Shabbos, one may not remove a shard from it for use as a cover or a support.