855. If an Animal Falls in a Well

Shabbos 25:26

Let’s say an animal falls into a well or a channel of water on Shabbos. If one can provide its needs while it’s there, he should do so until Shabbos ends; if not, he may bring cushions and blankets and place them under the animal. If this enables the animal to climb out of the well or channel, it’s not a problem even though he nullifies a utensil’s usefulness by throwing it into the water. The Sages did not enact the rule in such a case so that the animal should not suffer needlessly. One may not pick the animal up with his hands, nor may one pick up an animal or bird in a courtyard. One may, however, push animals to make them enter the courtyard. One may support calves and foals as they walk but one may not hold a chicken that ran away because the chicken may resist, leading to its wings being torn off. One may push the chicken until it re-enters the coop.

Shabbos 26:1

All utensils used for weaving may be carried following the rules of utensils whose uses are prohibited on Shabbos except for the upper beam and the lower beam. These may not be carried because they are fixed in position in the loom. The legs of a loom may likewise not be moved out of concern that one may fill the holes they will leave. One may move the other utensils used for weaving.