854. Catching Dripping Water

Shabbos 25:24

One may place a container under dripping water to catch it; if it becomes full, the water may be emptied out and the container returned without any hesitation. This only applies when the dripping water is fit for bathing. If this is not the case, one may not place a container to catch the water. If one did place a container to catch unsuitable water (b’dieved – after the fact), he may carry it and the disgusting water it contains. The reason not to place a container l’chatchila (at the outset) is because one should not intentionally create a disgusting situation.

Shabbos 25:25

If a barrel containing an untithed liquid breaks on Shabbos, one may bring a container and place it to catch the liquid. This is not considered nullifying the usefulness of the vessel because if one were to separate the tithes, while not permitted on Shabbos, the liquid would be permitted for use. A vessel may be placed below a candle to catch sparks that may fall because sparks have no substance. In such a case, moving the vessel remains permitted. If a beam breaks, one may not support it with a bench or a bed post unless there is enough room so that he may remove the bench or bed post as he may desire. In this way he will not be negating a utensil’s usefulness. One may spread a mat over stones or a beehive on Shabbos to protect them from sun in the summer or from rain in the winter as long as he does not intend to trap the bees. This is not considered nullifying a utensil’s usefulness because the mat can be removed at any time. One may overturn a basket on Shabbos so that chicks can climb on it since the basket may be carried after they get off. The same rules apply in all similar such cases.