849. Muktzeh and Non-Muktzeh Resting Together

Shabbos 25:14

Let's say that there are two items, one that may be handled on Shabbos and one that may not, and they are next to the one another, one on top of the other, or one inside the other so that when one is moved the other will also move. If a person needs the permitted object, he may move it even though this will also move the prohibited object. If he needs to move the prohibited object, he may not move it by moving the permitted object.

Shabbos 25:15

Ramifications of the previous halacha include situations such as: If a fig is covered with straw or a cake is lying on coals, one may pierce the food item using a spindle or similar utensil and remove it even though doing so also moves the straw or the coals. Similarly, if a radish or turnip is covered by soil but some of its leaves are sticking out, it is permissible to pull it out even though doing so removes the soil. However, if a loaf of bread or a child is sitting on top of a stone or a beam, one is not permitted to move the stone or the beam for the sake of the child or the bread. The same rules apply in similar situations.