846. Valuable Utensils

Shabbos 25:8

One may carry a complete sewing needle in order to remove a splinter but if the head or the point has broken off, it may not be carried. If the needle had not yet been completed because the hole has not yet been pierced in its head, it may be carried.

Shabbos 25:9

When it comes to a utensil that one is particular not to use out of concern that its value will depreciate, such as utensils that have been put aside as his merchandise, and utensils that one is very careful about using because they are expensive and he is concerned that they may be ruined, such utensils may not be carried on Shabbos because of the potential financial loss. This includes such "specialty" items as a large saw, a butcher's knife, a leather craftsman's awl, a carpenter's plane, a perfumer's mortar and similar tools.