845. Non-Utensils

Shabbos 25:6

Anything that is not a utensil, like rocks, money, beams, etc., may not be carried on Shabbos. However, even a rock or a beam so large that it requires ten people to carry it may be carried if it is considered a utensil. The doors of a house are considered utensils but they have not been prepared for use so if they become detached - even on Shabbos - they may not be moved. Dirt, sand and a dead body may not be moved, nor may a baby born in the eighth month. Even though he is alive, he is not considered viable and may not be moved.

Shabbos 25:7

One may carry a utensil to perform tasks other than its intended function. For example, one may handle a hammer in order to crack nuts, an axe to cut a cake of figs, a saw to cut cheese, a rake to gather dried figs, a pitchfork to feed a child, a spindle to pierce a hole, a needle to pick a lock or a millstone for use as a chair. The same is true in all comparable cases.