844. Moving Utensils

Shabbos 25:4

Examples of moving utensils: One may move a bowl in order to eat from it, to sit in the spot it occupies, or to keep it from being stolen. This last is what we mean when we talk about moving a utensil for its own sake. Similarly, a utensil may be moved out of the sun to keep it from getting dried out and breaking. It may likewise be brought in from the rain so that it will not get drenched and rot. All of these are examples of moving a utensil for its own sake and are permitted in the case of a utensil whose function is permitted on Shabbos.

Shabbos 25:5

Though the purposes of a mill and a grinder are prohibited on Shabbos, they may be moved for a permitted purpose, such as to crack nuts with them or for use as a step stool. These are examples of using them for a permitted purpose. One may likewise move such an object in order to sit in the place that it occupies but one may not move the object for its own sake, such as to keep it from being broken or stolen.