841. A Minor Who Performs Shvus

Shabbos 24:11

If a minor performs an activity on Shabbos that is prohibited as shvus (to encourage rest), such as if he plucked part of a plant growing in an unperforated flower pot or carried in a carmelis (the quasi-public domain), the court need not stop him from doing so. Similarly, if the child’s father permits him to do these things, he does not have to be rebuked.

Shabbos 24:12

The Sages prohibited carrying certain things on Shabbos the same way that we do during the week. They did so reasoning that if the prophets spoke against walking on Shabbos in a weekday manner, and conversing on Shabbos in a weekday manner, then surely the way in which we carry on Shabbos should not resemble the way we do so during the week. In this way, no one will come to consider Shabbos like a regular weekday, picking things up in order to repair them, hauling things from room to room or from house to house, putting stones aside, etc. Since a person is sitting idle at home, he might seek projects to occupy his time, counter to the Torah’s directive that we should rest (Deuteronomy 5:14).