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R. Herzog on Changing Hebrew Pronunciations and Chatam Sofer on Disavowing Any Connection to Chametz (14 Shevat)

שו"ת אורח משפט אורח חיים י"ח 14 Shevat 5695 (1935)

R. Herzog disagreed with R. Uzziel about encouraging Yemenites to change the way they pronounce Hebrew (in 1935!) It brings up issues of when we can or cannot change custom, and the importance of avoiding strife or division within the Jewish people.

שו"ת חתם סופר אורח חיים א:קי"ח 14 Shevat 5594 (1834)

Chatam Sofer was asked about a Jew who had a right to buy back chametz on Pesach, which helps us understand the level of ownership that counts for Pesach purposes.

Click here for a summary of the shiur on Torah Musings