When Does Shabbat Start? (Plus: Techum Shabbat)

When Shabbat Starts

There are many approaches as to when to start Shabbat:


For men, whichever is first:

At sunset, or

When they light candles intending to begin Shabbat then, or

When they say Mizmor shir l'yom haShabbat.


For women, whichever is first:

When they light candles intending to begin Shabbat then (most people light 18 minutes before sunset but local customs can vary; e.g., Jerusalem), or

In case of urgent need, just before sunset if they have not lit candles.

NOTE: Even if a husband has finished ma'ariv for Shabbat, his wife is not required to start Shabbat when he does, and she may still light her candles at the normal candle lighting time. The husband does not need to wait outside until she has lit. However, the ideal situation is for the home to be ready (including table set) by the time the husband has finished ma'ariv and has returned home from synagogue.

Community-Wide Considerations

If an entire community begins Shabbat at any time earlier than sunset on Friday, EVERYONE must begin Shabbat at that time.

If there are at least two minyans in any community, no one is required to start Shabbat with the earliest one (but if you associate yourself with one of those minyans, you must follow their custom).

When Shabbat Starts in a Place Where the Sun Does Not Set

Follow Nearest Jewish Community for Non-Setting Sun

If the sun does not set for more than 24 hours, such as north of the Arctic Circle in the summer, follow the nearest Jewish community's Shabbat starting time.

NOTE: There are many approaches as to when to start Shabbat!

Shabbat Domain/Techum Shabbat

Techum Shabbat (Shabbat domain) is the furthest distance a Jew may walk on Shabbat. Wherever you are when you start Shabbat determines your starting point for techum Shabbat :

City/Enclosed Area If you start Shabbat in a city or enclosed area of any type, you may walk up to 0.7 mile (1 km) beyond the border (last house) of that city or enclosed area.

Uninhabited Area If you start Shabbat in an uninhabited place, such as a forest, you may walk only within a 0.7 mile (1 km) radius of where you started Shabbat.

Item Brought from Outside Shabbat Domain

You may not use any item brought to you on Shabbat from outside techum Shabbat.

EXAMPLE: Even if a non-Jew brings you misdirected luggage sent on a flight that did not land until after sunset on Friday, you may not use the items inside until after Shabbat has ended, even if you need the items for Shabbat. Consult a rabbi for exceptions.

Starting Shabbat within Shabbat Domain/Techum Shabbat

If an entire community starts Shabbat early, individuals must also start early.

NOTE: If any part of the community starts on time, you may also do so.

Starting Shabbat outside Shabbat Domain/Techum Shabbat

If you are outside techum Shabbat (which may be as little as 0.7 miles, or 1 km, past the last house of an inhabited area—city, village, etc.), you may start Shabbat at sunset even if the nearby community starts early, as long as the rabbi from that community does not have authority over your area.

Copyright 2015 Richard B. Aiken. Halacha L’Maaseh appears courtesy of www.practicalhalacha.com Visit their web site for more information.