835. What Seforim May Be Saved From a Fire?

Shabbos 23:27

If Holy Scriptures are written in Hebrew using the “Assyrian” script, they should be saved from a fire even if they are written in red or other colors, and even if the writing is not permanent. The blank pieces of parchment above and below the writing in scrolls, as well as between the sections and at the beginning and end of a Torah are not be saved (referring to when they are no longer part of the book). Blessings and amulets are not saved from a fire even if they contain God’s Name and many verses from the Torah.

Shabbos 23:28

We save a Torah from a fire so long as it has 85 letters remaining from complete words. This is true even it includes “yagar sahadusa” (“mound of witness” in Genesis 31:47; these words are Aramaic and not Hebrew). We save a Torah that contains a passage of fewer than 85 letters if it includes God’s Name, such as vayehi binsoa ha’aron (Bemidbar 10:35-36). We save the book’s case with it; the same is true of saving a tefillin case along with tefillin even if happens to also contain money.