833. Others Saving Food

Shabbos 23:23

Continuing the rule about saving a single vessel that contains enough food for many meals, one may save a basket of loaves of bread, a cake of dried figs and a barrel of wine, each of which is enough for several meals. One may likewise spread a garment, gather all he can in it, and remove it all at once.

Shabbos 23:24

He may instruct others to come and save food for themselves. Each person may then save enough food for his Shabbos needs or a single vessel that holds a large amount. Whatever others save becomes their property; if someone prefers to give it back to the original owner, he may be paid for his efforts after Shabbos. This is not considered payment for work performed on Shabbos because no act of labor was performed; all he did was move the food into another place within the eiruv.