828. Things Prohibited Because of Writing

Shabbos 23:13

We may not arrange a sale on Shabbos by making a verbal agreement or by transferring the object to the buyer’s possession, and it may not be weighed even without a scale. Just as we may not weigh on Shabbos, so may we not count and measure, not with a measuring cup, a rope or one's hands.

Shabbos 23:14

Courts do not meet on Shabbos, nor are yibum or chalitzah performed (to marry or release a deceased brother’s widow), nor are women betrothed, all out of concern that one may come to write. Property is not consecrated or appraised; it may not even be put aside because doing so would resemble a sale. Separating terumah and tithes would also resemble consecrating the produce, on top of the previously stated reason that separating these portions renders the produce useable on Shabbos (see 23:9). Animals may not be tithed on Shabbos as a preventive measure that one might mark the animal with red paint. One may consecrate the animal for his Passover offering on Shabbos and his festival offering (chagigah) on a holiday because these are actually mitzvos of that day. Just as property may not be consecrated, water for sprinkling the ashes of the red heifer may likewise not be consecrated on Shabbos.