817. Tearing, Building

Shabbos 22:24

Tearing is a primary category of Shabbos labor. Because of this, if one’s clothes get caught on thorns, he must separate them slowly and carefully in order to avoid tearing his garment. If it does tear, he is not liable for tearing as it was not his intention. One is permitted to wear new clothes on Shabbos and if they tear, it makes no difference. One is allowed to crack a nut in a cloth without being concerned about the possibility of tearing the cloth.

Shabbos 22:25

One who attaches building materials is liable for performing a subordinate labor of building. For this reason, doors that are attached to the ground may neither be removed nor returned to their places out of concern that one may come to attach them. The doors of cabinets, chests any other pieces of furniture may be removed on Shabbos but they may not be returned to their places. If the bottom hinge slips a little, it may be adjusted back into its place; in the Temple, it is permitted to return it completely. If the upper hinge slips, one is not permitted to adjust it, not even in the Temple, out of concern that one might come to attach it.