816. Folding, Dyeing, Sewing

Shabbos 22:22

We are not permitted to adjust the sleeves of garments to make layers of cuffs as one does after laundering on weekdays. Similarly, we may not fold clothes on Shabbos in the same manner as we do on weekdays after laundering them. If a person doesn’t have a change of clothes, he may fold and stretch a garment to wear so that it will look nice for Shabbos. The above rules refer to a new white garment, as such clothes tend to get wrinkled and dirty very quickly. A garment may only be folded by one person, not by two.

Shabbos 22:23

Dyeing is a primary category of Shabbos labor. Because of this, a woman is not permitted to apply rouge to her face on Shabbos as doing so resembles dyeing. Sewing is also a primary category of Shabbos labor. Therefore, one may not fill a new pillow or blanket with unprocessed stuffing out of the concern that one may come to sew it shut. One may, however, restore stuffing that falls out of a pillow or blanket on Shabbos.