815. Wet Towels, Clothes

Shabbos 22:20

One who washes himself in water may dry himself using a towel and then carry it; we are not concerned that he may wring them out. Similarly, one whose clothes have gotten soaked may keep walking in them; we are not concerned that he may wring it out. He may not, however, hang his wet clothes to dry even inside his house because we are concerned that an observer might think that he laundered his clothes on Shabbos. Whenever the Sages prohibited something because it might give people the wrong idea (maris ayin), it is prohibited even in one's innermost chambers (where it would not actually be observed).

Shabbos 22:21

If two mikvas are built on top of one another, it is permitted to remove the plug between them and connect their waters. One may also replace the plug, re-separating them. We are not concerned that one might wring out water because his intention is for the water to flow. One may plug a drain using clothes or anything that can be carried so that water will not get onto food and utensils but one may not plug a drain in order to cause the water to flow into a pit. This is because the plug is under the water and he may wring it out when one squeezing it into place.