814. Cleaning Shoes, Hands

Shabbos 22:18

One is permitted to use water to rub a shoe or a sandal clean if it has become soiled with mud or excrement but it is prohibited to wash them. One may not scrape new sandals or shoes but one may oil them. It is permitted to clean old shoes and sandals. If a pillow or a blanket gets soiled with mud or excrement, it may be cleaned using a rag. If the soiled item is made of leather, one may pour water over it until the stain comes out.

Shabbos 22:19

If a person’s hands get soiled with mud, he may clean them on a horse’s tail, a cow’s tail, or a stiff cloth used to handle thorns, but not a cloth normally used to clean the hands. This is a preventive measure out of concern that following the usual weekday procedure might cause one to come to launder the cloth.