813. Sopping Up Spills

Shabbos 22:16

If a barrel breaks on Shabbos, one may salvage enough of its contents as needed for himself and his guests so long as he does not sop up wine with a sponge or scoop up oil using his hands. This would be the normal weekday procedure, so there is a concern that one might wring the liquids out. Rather, he should save the liquid by placing another vessel under it. He may not bring one vessel to catch the liquid in the air and another vessel to collect it out of concern that one may come to carry a utensil through the public domain. If unexpected guests arrive, he may bring one vessel to catch in the air and another to collect the liquid, and then combine the contents of the two. One may not save the contents of the barrel and then invite guests but he may invite guests and then save the contents. One is permitted to act with cunning in this circumstance, inviting guests who will not actually partake of the liquid.

Shabbos 22:17

If one has mud on his clothes, he may rub them on the inside but not on the outside. This is preventive measure out of concern that one may come to launder it. One may scrape it with his fingernails without concern that he might whiten it. One may not rub a scarf clean because this launders it but one may rub his cloak because his intention is only to soften it.