812. Laundering

Shabbos 22:14

One may not view himself in a metal mirror on Shabbos out of concern that one may come to remove unruly strands of hair (the edges of the metal mirrors were used for this purpose). This is so even in the case of a mirror attached to the wall. One may view himself in a mirror that is not made of metal, even if it is not attached to a wall.

Shabbos 22:15

One who launders is liable for performing a subordinate labor of bleaching. One who wrings out a garment is liable for performing an activity of laundering. For this reason, one may not squeeze a piece of cloth, fabric, or similar substances into the hole of a jug to plug it as a preventive measure against wringing liquid out of the cloth. One may not use a sponge on Shabbos unless it has a handle out of concern that one may wring it. One may not cover a pitcher of water with a cloth that is not designated for that use out of concern that one might otherwise come to wring it out.