810. Mixtures

Shabbos 22:10

One is permitted to mix water, salt and oil, and to dip his bread into the mixture, or to pour it onto a cooked food. This is only allowed if one makes just a small volume of the mixture; making a large volume is prohibited because it appears as if one is performing cooking-related acts of labor. Similarly, one may not mix a strong salt water, meaning one that is two-thirds salt and one-third water, because this resembles making fish-brine. One is permitted to salt an egg but not things like radishes because this resembles pickling food. Pickling is prohibited on Shabbos because it is comparable to cooking. It is permitted, however, to dip radishes and similar foods into salt and immediately eat them.

Shabbos 22:11

It is permitted on Shabbos to mix wine, honey and peppers in order to eat the mixture. Wine, water and balsam oil may not be mixed on Shabbos because this mixture is not eaten by healthy people.