805. Removing Bread From the Oven

Shabbos 21:36

One is only permitted to feed an animal for which one is responsible, i.e., one's own animals and birds. One may not feed or water animals for which he is not responsible, including pigs (which we are not permitted to raise) and bees (which do not require feeding). One may lead his animal to grass that is growing and let it eat but he may not lead it to food that was put aside (i.e., not for Shabbos use). One may, however, stand in front of an animal so that it will turn on its own towards to the food that was put aside and eats from it. The same approach applies on yom tov.

Shabbos 22:1

Even though removing a loaf of bread from the oven does not involve an act of labor, the Sages prohibited it as a preventive measure against the possibility of baking. If a loaf was stuck to the wall of an oven (as was their baking process) before Shabbos began, one may remove enough bread for three meals after Shabbos begins. Similarly, one may tell others to take for themselves. Even though removing a loaf of bread does not involve an act of labor, when one does so he may not use a special baker’s tool. Rather, he should use a knife so that he is acting in an unusual fashion.