800. Treating a Wound

Shabbos 21:26

One may not put hot water or oil on a wound, nor on a pad of fabric that is on top of a wound, nor on a pad of fabric that will be placed on a wound. One may apply these things around the wound so that they may flow into it. One may place a dry pad of fabric on a wound but not aged fabric because it is like a bandage.

Shabbos 21:27

If a bandage falls onto a utensil, it may be returned to its place on a wound, but not if it falls on the ground. One is permitted to place a bandage on a wound for the first time in the Temple because things that were prohibited as shvus (i.e., to encourage rest) do not apply in the Temple. One is permitted to clean the opening of a wound in any location but one may not clean a bandage out of concern that he may smear the salve that is on it.