799. Rinsing, Gargling, et al.

Shabbos 21:24

If a person has pain in his teeth, he is not permitted to sip vinegar and spit it out, though he may sip and swallow. One who has a sore throat may not gargle with oil but he may drink a large volume of oil and if it helps, it helps. One may not chew resin, nor may one brush his teeth with herbs on Shabbos if his intention is to serve as a remedy. If his intention is to freshen his breath, it is permitted.

Shabbos 21:25

One may not apply wine to his eyes but he may place it on his eyelids. One may not apply tasteless saliva even to his eyelids. If an eye salve was left to soak on Friday, it may be applied to the eyes on Shabbos without any hesitation. If a person injures his finger, he may not wind a reed around it to heal it, nor may he squeeze it tightly with his hand in a way that would cause it to bleed.