790. Detaching Produce

Shabbos 21:6

One who detaches produce is liable for reaping. It is prohibited to extract honey from a hive on Shabbos because doing so is similar to detaching produce. We may not climb a tree on Shabbos, whether it is fresh or dried, nor may we hang things from a tree or even lean on a tree. We may not climb a tree before Shabbos with the intention to remain there for the whole day. We may not make use of any plant that is attached to the ground out of concern that one may come to detach produce.

Shabbos 21:7

If fruit falls from a tree on Shabbos, it may not be eaten until after Shabbos. This is a preventive measure out of concern that one may come to detach produce. One may smell myrtle that is still attached because the only benefit one derives is the scent, which can be enjoyed even while attached. One may not smell an esrog, an apple or any other fruit that is suitable for eating so long as the fruit in question is still attached to the tree. This is a preventive measure out of concern that one may come to pick the fruit in order to eat it.