779. Finding a Torah on Shabbos

Shabbos 19:24

If the one who found a pile of tefillin is afraid to wait by them until after nightfall because of thieves, he should take the whole pile at one time and carry them fewer than four cubits at a time (within six feet). Alternately, he can pass them to another person, who passes them to another person, and so on until they reach the first courtyard of the city. All this only applies when the tefillin were found with their straps already tied with the usual knots. If this is the case, they are certainly tefillin. If the straps are not tied, one should simply ignore them.

Shabbos 19:25

If a person finds a Torah scroll, he should wait and guard it until after Shabbos. In a case of danger, he may leave it where it is and go on his way. If rain is falling, he should wrap himself in the parchment of the Torah, cover it with his cloak, and enter a building with it.