Siddur Guide – Part 3: Maariv

Praying Ma'ariv

V'hu Rachum Everyone reads the two introductory lines of v'hu rachum.


  • Leader says bar'chu.
  • Everyone else responds, baruch Adonai....
  • The leader repeats that line.
  • Everyone reads the next paragraph/blessing.
  • The leader says that final line out loud.
  • Everyone responds amen.

Note: Don't say baruch hu u'varuch shemo at all during ma'ariv.

Shema and Its Blessings

  • The leader repeats the final two words of the shema and the word emet.
  • Everyone continues quietly saying the phrases until Mi chamocha.
  • Mi chamocha is said by everyone together including by the leader, who then also reads the next line.
  • Everyone says Adonai yimloch... together, continuing through the end of the next blessing, which is repeated by the leader.
  • Everyone says hashkiveinu quietly.
  • The leader says the blessing shomer amo Yisrael la'ad out loud.
  • Baruch Adonai l'olam... is said through to the end by everyone quietly.
  • The leader says the final line and the final blessing out loud.

Note: Baruch Adonai l'olam is not said in Eretz Yisrael.

Kaddish The leader says kaddish.

Amida Everyone says the amida silently and individually.

Kaddish The leader says kaddish.

Alenu Everyone says alenu together.

Kaddish Kaddish is said by any mourners.

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