776. Folded Garments

Shabbos 19:18

A person may go out with bells woven inside his garments. A servant may go out with a clay seal around his neck but not a metal seal out of concern that if it falls he may come to carry it. Let’s say that a person wraps himself in a tallis and folds it, holding it in his hand, or on his shoulder. If his intention is to keep the tallis from getting torn or dirty, it is prohibited. If his intention is strictly for fashion’s sake, this being the style worn in his area, it is permitted.

Shabbos 19:19

If a person goes out on Shabbos with a garment folded and placed on his shoulders, he is liable. One may go out with a wrap around the shoulders even if he has not tied a string from it to his finger. If a wrap does not cover one’s head and the greater portion of his body, he may not go out wearing it on Shabbos. A bandana that is smaller than this should be tied as a belt, in which case it would be permitted to go out wearing it on Shabbos.