772. Some Permitted Accessories

Shabbos 19:10

A woman may go out wearing strands of various substances around her neck. Since these are not tied tightly, they would not be considered an interposition when immersing in a mikvah (so she will not come to remove them). If they are colored, she may not go out wearing them out of concern that she may remove them in order to show them to a friend. A woman may go out wearing a gold diadem (a type of crown) because these are worn only by prestigious woman who are not in the habit of removing their jewelry to show to friends. A woman may likewise go out wearing a headband on her forehead that has gold bangles hanging from it as long as they are sewn onto her head covering, which will ensure that they not fall. This is true in all similar such cases.

Shabbos 19:11

A women may go out with cotton in her ear so long as it is attached to her ear. She may go out with padding in her shoe so long as it is attached to her shoe. She may go out wearing feminine hygiene products even if they are not attached. This is true even if the hygiene product has a handle; since it is disgusting, she will not come to carry it even if it should happen to fall.