768. Men's and Women's Rings

Shabbos 19:2

One may not go out on Shabbos wearing a sandal that is studded with nails to fasten it. The Sages ruled that one should not even go out in such a sandal on yom tov. One may go out wearing a belt that has pieces of gold and silver embedded in it in the style that kings wear because this is a piece of jewelry and it is permitted to wear any kind of jewelry. However, this only applies when the belt does not hang loosely out of concern that it may fall in the public domain and someone will carry it in.

Shabbos 19:3

A ring with a seal is considered jewelry for a man but not for a woman; a ring without a seal is considered jewelry for a woman but not for a man. Therefore, if a woman goes out wearing a ring with a seal, or a man goes out wearing a ring without a seal, they are liable. This is the case even though they did not transport them in the usual manner. For example, it is not common for a man to wear a ring on certain fingers, or for a woman to wear a ring on other fingers. However, there are times when a man may give his ring to his wife to take home and she puts it on her finger to carry it, or a woman gives her ring to her husband to have it repaired and he puts it on his finger to carry it. Since they do sometimes wear rings in this way, this is considered to be transporting in a normal fashion. Accordingly, people are liable for carrying in this manner.