767. Weapons on Shabbos

Shabbos 18:28

One who transport smaller than the designated size of a thing is not liable even if he transports it in a vessel. This is because the vessel is subordinate to the object. The person is not occupied with the vessel, he’s occupied with what it contains. Therefore, if someone transports a living person who is not tied up on a bed, he is not liable because the bed is considered subordinate to the person. This principle applies in all comparable situations. If a person transports a perfumer’s box, he is only liable for one sin offering even if it contains a number of different fragrances. Similarly, even if he transports them in his hand, he is only liable for one sin offering because he has only performed one act of transference.

Shabbos 19:1

We may not go out with any type of weaponry on Shabbos. If it’s something that is worn as a garment, like chainmail, a helmet, or iron boots, then one would not be liable. If one goes out with something that is not worn as a garment, like a spear, a sword, a bow or a shield, then he would be liable.