766. A Portion That Increases or Decreases in Size

Shabbos 18:26

Let’s say that someone transports a portion of food the size of a dried fig intending to eat it but, before he puts it down, it decreases in size. If he changes his mind and decides to plant it or use it for medicinal purposes, he is liable because of the intention he had when he put the object down. If one transports seeds in a volume smaller than a dried fig intending to plant them but, before he puts them down, he changes his mind and decides to eat them, he is not liable. If the seeds increase in size to the size of a dried fig before he puts them down and he changes his mind and decides to eat them, he is liable. In this case, even if he had not changed his mind, he would have been liable anyway because of his original intention.

Shabbos 18:27

If a person transports a portion of food the size of a dried fig intending to eat it, and it shrinks and then re-expands before he puts it down, there is a doubt as to whether or not he is liable. If a person throws a portion of food the size of an olive into a house that is ritually impure, completing the volume of food already in the house so that it becomes the size of an egg, there is a doubt as to whether or not he is liable, i.e., is one liable for transporting food the size of an olive if he completes the volume of food to a size that is significant vis-à-vis the laws of ritual purity, or not?