764. Transporting Something Not Fit to Store

Shabbos 18:22

Let’s say that something is not usually placed in storage or is not fit to be placed in storage (the Rambam uses the example of a woman's menstrual discharge). If a person should happen to store such a thing and he then transports it, he is liable. Other people, however, would be exempt for transporting such an thing because a person is not liable unless he transports something that is fit to be stored and that people typically do store away.

Shabbos 18:23

If someone transports half of the designated size of a thing, he is not liable. Similarly, one who performs half the designated measure of any other Sabbath labor is not liable. If one transports half the designated size of a thing, places it down, then returns and transports the other half, he is liable; if he picked up the first half before he put the second half down, then it’s as if the first half were destroyed and he is not liable. If someone transports half the prescribed measure of a thing, puts it down, then returns and transports the other half, passing the first half, he is liable if the second half passes within three handbreadths of the first half (about 9”). This is because transporting past a thing is comparable to putting the carried item down on the thing. However, if he threw the second half, he would not be liable unless it came to rest on the thing.