760. Transporting Parchment and Paper

Shabbos 18:14

If a person transports a completely unprocessed animal hide that is still pliable, the size that renders one liable is enough to wrap a weight the size of a shekel. If the hide has had salt applied to it but not yet flour and gallnut juice, the size that renders one liable is enough to make an amulet. If flour has been applied to the hide but not yet gallnut juice, the size is sufficient to write a get (bill of divorce). Once the hide has been completely processed, the liable size is five handbreadths by five handbreadths (about 15” x 15”).

Shabbos 18:15

One who transports processed parchment is liable for a size large enough to write the Shema through the end of the first paragraph. The volume of duchsustos (another type of parchment – refer to Hilchos Tefillin, Mezuzah v’Sefer Torah chapter 1) is enough to write a mezuzah. The volume of paper is enough to write two letters for a customs receipt, which are larger than letters as we usually write them. One who transports a customs receipt is liable even if he already showed it to the customs official and was exempted because of it. This is because the receipt will perpetually serve as proof of his exemption. If a person transports a promissory note that was already paid or a paper that was erased, the liable size is enough to wrap around a small bottle of perfume. If it has a clean section of paper large enough to write two letters for a custom receipt, he is liable.