755. Transporting Fuel and More

Shabbos 18:4

The minimum volume wood to render one liable for transporting is the enough to cook a portion of a hen’s egg the size of a dried fig when the egg has beaten, mixed with oil, and placed in a pot. One is liable for transporting a reed large enough to make a pen that reaches to the top of one’s fingers. If the reed is too thick or broken, rendering it unfit for use as a pen, then the liable volume is the same as for wood.

Shabbos 18:5

One is liable for transporting enough spices to flavor an egg. Different spices combine to form this volume. One is liable for transporting even the slightest volume of pepper, pine sap, something with a pleasant fragrance, something with an unpleasant odor, and perfume. One is liable for transporting even a single rosebud. If a utensil is made from a hard metal like bronze or iron, one is liable for transporting even the smallest piece of it. One is liable for transporting even the smallest piece of stones or earth from the altar, or of worn-out scrolls or their covers, because these things must be hidden away. One is liable for transporting even the smallest amount of coal; one is not liable for transporting a flame.