Resources for Beitzah daf 40

Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman

  1. The גמרא says that one cannot carry fruit outside its תחום. There is a general question raised by many אחרונים as to why carrying outside of the תחום is not permitted for אוכל נפש? If you can carry on יו"ט for אוכל נפש, why can’t you carry outside of the תחום as well? See the שו"ת חתם סופר או"ח סימן קמ"ט who says that the איסור תחומין is not an איסור מלאכה. Rather, it is just a side איסור that applies on יו"ט like חמץ בפּסח. Therefore, it is not permitted on יו"ט since the Torah only permitted מלאכה on יו"ט for אוכל נפש and not other איסורים. See the קהילת יעקב סימן כ who suggests that the Torah only allowed מלאכות where the item is readily available and just needs a תיקון. If the item is outside the תחום, it is similar to harvesting which we don’t allow on יו"ט since it is, in the words of the רמב"ן at the beginning of the third פּרק, considered מלאכת עבודה and not just מלאכה.
  1. The גמרא says that you can give water to the “home” animals (the ones that stay in your תחום) but not to the “desert” animals (the ones that stay outside of the תחום). רש"י here says that the purpose of giving them water is to make it easier to remove the skin after שחיטה. The simple reading of רש"י is that if the cow drinks water, the skin will not stick as much to the meat. See רש"י in חולין דף לו in ד"ה של זבחי שלמים who says that based on our גמרא people take their cows through a river before שחיטה to loosen the skin from the meat. The פּשטות of רש"י there is that the animal didn’t literally drink the water but that just putting water on the skin was helpful. See the רי"ף who had the גירסא of “אי איכא סירכא משתמטא”. This means that the purpose of drinking the water was that any סירכות (adhesions) that were loosely stuck to the lungs would come off from the water that was drunk. See also the ש"ך יו"ד סימן ל"ט ס"ק ל"ב who brings in the name of the כלבו that there is a קבלה מרבותיו that anyone who doesn’t give a cow water to drink before שחיטה will find a cow with many סירכות on their lungs. A third opinion is the רשב"א here who says that one really should feed his “desert” cows on יו"ט since any animal that is מזונותן עליך is your responsibility to feed. The משנה that said “אין משקין ושוחטין” was just אגב the סיפא that said משקין ושוחטין. The רשב"א seems to understand that the purpose of giving the animals water was because they were thirsty.
  1. The גמרא brings a מחלוקת between רב ושמואל regarding the case where one is מפקיד their item by someone. רב says it is כרגלי הנפקד and שמואל says its כרגלי המפקיד. See the פּני יהושע ד"ה איתמר who doesn’t understand how רב  can suggest that the owner is somehow totally removed. Although the פּני יהושע could understand how the נפקד’s תחום is relevant since דבר הגורם לממון כממון דמי, how could the owner’s תחום be totally irrelevant?  See the ר"ן in ד"ה פּירותיו כמוהו who brings a שיטה that understands that רב meant that the fruit has the תחום of both the owner and the one who is watching it (meaning it can only be taken where both can go). The בית יוסף explains in the end of סימן שצ"ז that this מ"ד must have understood that רב meant אף כרגלי הנפקד. See the רא"ש here in סימן י"ג (and many others) who pasken like רב since הלכה כרב באיסורי. See the רי"ף who does not bring the מחלוקת at all. See the ים של שלמה סימן ט"ו ד"ה מתני who says that the רי"ף left it out because he paskens like שמואל here since the פּשטות of the משנה is like שמואל.

הדרן עלך מסכת ביצה


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