Assorted Laws: Mincha, Maariv, HaMapil, Selichot



Girls and women never need to say tzidkatecha on Saturday mincha.


If the minyan gets to tachanun after sunset, say tachanun until up to 8 minutes after sunset but do not put down your head for the first section.


Shir HaMa'alot Hinei Bar'chu

Saying shir ha'ma'alot hinei bar'chu... before ma'ariv is a custom of some people, but it is not necessary.

Bar'chu at End of Ma'ariv

In Eretz Yisrael, it is customary to say bar'chu again at the end of ma'ariv.

Note: This is not the custom outside of Eretz Yisrael, but if someone does say bar'chu again, the other people may respond.

When To Respond to Bar'chu

Wait until the leader has finished saying the line, “Bar'chu et Adonai ha'mevorach” before responding with “Baruch Adonai ha'mevorach l'olam va'ed.”

Saying HaMelech BiChvodo with Prayer Leader

As with the blessing ga'al yisrael in shacharit, the prayer leader should say out loud the blessing preceding the ma'ariv amida: ha'melech bi'chvodo. If you:

  • Are up to where he is in the prayers, you may say the last blessing with him.
  • Pray slowly and will not be able to join the minyan for saying the amida, you should start earlier than the minyan and catch up at ha'melech bi'chvodo.

When To Say Ma'ariv Psalm 27

Say Psalm 27 after alenu during Elul and most of Tishrei.

HaMapil and Shema:

Halacha, Not Custom

Saying “ha'mapil” and shema before going to sleep is halacha, not custom.

When To Say HaMapil

Ha'mapil may only be said at night, even if you normally stay awake all night (such as if you work a night shift).

Note: The latest time you may say the ha'mapil prayer is daybreak (alot ha'shachar).

HaMapil When You May Not Fall Asleep

Do not say the ha'mapil prayer if you are flying through the night but are not certain that you will be able to sleep.

Note: This also applies to anytime when you might not fall asleep at night.

If You Cannot Fall Asleep after HaMapil

If you cannot fall asleep after having said ha'mapil at night, you may talk, eat, say blessings, etc., but do not say the ha'mapil prayer again when you go back to bed.


You may say selichot by yourself.

Note: You may only say the paragraph with God's 13 Attributes/Midot (beginning with El melech...) if you are praying with a minyan.

Copyright 2015 Richard B. Aiken. Halacha L’Maaseh appears courtesy of www.practicalhalacha.comVisit their web site for more information.