740. Permitting Carrying in a Public Domain

Shabbos 17:10

In order to enable people to carry between the two walls of a public domain where people walk, one must make a gate on either side. This turns the space in between the gates into a private domain. These gates need not be locked at night but they must lockable. If they are sunk into the ground, the dirt must be removed so that the gates can be closed and locked. An entry frame, a pole and a beam are insufficient to permit carrying in a public domain.

Shabbos 17:11

It is permitted to carry in an alley directly under the horizontal beam or opposite the vertical pole so long as these are situated near a public domain. If the alley is adjacent to a carmelis, one may not carry under the beam or opposite the pole unless he erects a second pole. This will then permit carrying in the alley’s entrance. Without this, the alley and the carmelis “blur” together and need to be distinguished.