The End of Shacharit: Tachanun, Alenu and Shir Shel Yom

Tachanun: When Not To Say

Tachanun is related to judgment. Tachanun is NOT said at times of din/judgment:

  • At night,
  • On Tish'a B'Av,
  • In a house of mourning, and
  • Yom Kippur.

Tachanun is also NOT said at times of simcha/happiness:

At mincha before (and certainly not on):

  • Shabbat,
  • Jewish festivals,
  • Rosh Hashana, and
  • Rosh Chodesh.

At any prayer service on:

  • Isru chag (the day after each of the Jewish festivals),
  • Entire month of Nisan.

Reason:  Nisan has more than 15 days that we omit tachanun, and once we omit it for most of the month, we don't say it at all.

  • All of Chanuka, Purim, Shushan Purim, Tu B'Shvat, Rosh Chodesh, and from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until the day after Shavuot.
  • Tishrei from shacharit before Yom Kippur until after Simchat Torah (Shmini Atzeret in Eretz Yisrael). Resume saying tachanun:
    • Second day of Cheshvan, or
    • Day after isru chag of Simchat Torah (this is the more prevalent custom among Ashkenazim). Each person should follow his or her family or community custom.

Any time these people are present in your minyan (or in any other minyan in the building) either before a circumcision or while still involved in the brit or meal:

  • Mohel,
  • Sandak, or
  • Father of a boy having his circumcision.

Note: This even applies to mincha if the brit will take place after mincha.

Any time a groom is present during the first week after marriage.

Psalm of the Day/Shir Shel Yom: Daytime

You may fulfill your requirement of saying Psalm of the Day (shir shel yom) only during the daytime.

When To Say Psalm 27/L'David Adonai Ori V'Yish'i

Begin saying L'David Adonai ori v'yish'i (Psalm 27) on the first day (at night) of Elul, not the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul (the 30th of Av). The last day to say this Psalm is 22nd of Tishrei (Shmini Atzeret). This Psalm is recited twice daily, in shacharit after shir shel yom and in ma'ariv after alenu, including on Shabbat and Jewish festivals.

Who Should Say Alenu

Any Jew who happens to be in a synagogue should say alenu with the minyan, even if he is not joining the minyan for that prayer service.

When To Say Alenu

There is no time limit on when alenu may be said. Alenu should be said after each prayer service.


Value of Saying Tehilim

The main value of saying tehilim is not in saying the tehilim themselves, but in the prayer said AFTER saying the tehilim (for someone to get well, for employment, etc.). The saying of tehilim strengthens the prayer enormously.

Concluding Tehilim with Yehi Ratzon of Refa'einu

If you say Psalms/tehilim for a sick person, you should conclude with the yehi ratzon that is sometimes added in shemoneh esrei in refa'einu.

Tehilim Additions to Regular Prayers

Rabbis may have their congregations add Psalms/tehilim or other prayers to standard services.

When To Say Tehilim

Both genders may say tehilim at night without restriction on which tehilim may be said; they may be said all night (or day).

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