725. Reassigning the Purpose of an Enclosure

Shabbos 16:4

Regarding an area that is enclosed other than for use as a dwelling and is of sufficient size to plant two seah (seven gallons) of seed, if the length is twice the width - such as 100 cubits by 50 cubits (about 150’x75’) like the courtyard of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), it is permitted to carry within it. If it is longer and narrower than this proportion so that the length exceeds twice the width even by one handbreadth (about 3”), one may only carry four cubits in it. This is because the ability to carry in courtyards of a size sufficient to plant two seah is learned from the courtyard of the Mishkan.

Shabbos 16:5

The purpose of a place that was enclosed other than for use as a dwelling may be reassigned by tearing down part of the wall and making an open space more than ten cubits long (15’) and ten handbreadths high (30”). One may then re-enclose the area with the intention that it be sued as a dwelling. Once this has been done, one may carry throughout the enclosed area. Furthermore, even if one tore down just one cubit of the wall and re-enclosed it to serve as a dwelling, then tore down another cubit and re-enclosed it to serve as a dwelling, repeating this process for more than ten cubits, one may then carry throughout the enclosure even if it is several miles in size.