708. Throwing to the Top of a Pole

Shabbos 14:16

A pillar in the public domain is itself a private domain if it is ten handbreadths high (about 30”), its top surface is four handbreadths by four handbreadths (about 1’x1’) and its base is less than four by four. This is so even if the smaller end is more than three handbreadths high (about 9”). If a person throws an object from a public domain onto such a pillar, he would be liable. If a mound inclines ten handbreadths within a space of four cubits, it is a private domain. If a person throws an object from a public domain onto such a mound, he would be liable.

Shabbos 14:17

If a person throws something from a public domain and it lands on a reed that is stuck in the ground of a private domain he is liable even if the reed is 100 cubits high (150’) because a private domain extends as high as the sky. If the trunk of a tree is in a private domain but its branches extend into a public domain, one who throws an object from the public domain into the branches is not liable because the branches are not in the same domain as the trunk.