700. The Four Kinds of Shabbos Domains

Shabbos 13:22

If a person throws something up to four cubits (about six feet) but it rolls beyond four cubits, he is not liable. What if someone throws an object farther than four cubits but it rolls back to be inside four cubits? If it came to rest on something father than four cubits away and then rolled back to be within four cubits, he is liable; if it did not come to rest outside the four cubits, he is not liable.

Shabbos 14:1

When it comes to transporting things on Shabbos, there are four different types of domains: the private domain, the public domain, the quasi-public domain (carmelis) and the exempt area (makom patur). The public domain includes deserts, forests, marketplaces, and the roads leading to these places so long as they are sixteen cubits wide (about 24’) and not covered by a roof. The private domain includes a mound that is at least ten handbreadths high (approximately 30”) and four handbreadths by four handbreadths (about a foot on each side); a trench that is at least ten handbreadths deep and at least four handbreadths by four handbreadths; a place surrounded by four walls that are at least ten handbreadths tall and whose interior is at least four handbreadths by four handbreadths. Even if such a place is several miles in size, it is a private domain if it was enclosed in order to serve as a dwelling place. This includes a city that is enclosed by a wall and whose gates are closed at night, an alley that has walls on three sides and a post on the fourth side, and a courtyard, a corral and a stable that were enclosed in order to serve as a dwelling.