696. Playing Catch Across Domains
Shabbos 13:14
One is not liable if he throws an object from one type of domain to the other if it is tied to a rope that he is holding in his hand and he can pull the object back to him. This is because the object is not considered to have been completely placed down. In this case, one is considered to have removed the object from one domain but not truly to have placed it down in the other.
Shabbos 13:15
What if one person throws an object and another person receives it? If the second person just stands in place and catches it, the one who threw it is liable because he both uprooted it and made it to come to rest. If the second person left his place to catch it, the one who threw it is not liable. If someone threw an object and then ran after it, catching it in the other type of domain or beyond four cubits in a public domain, he is not liable because it is comparable to the case where a second person must leave his place in order to catch it. The basis for all of these cases is that one who throws an object is not considered to have made the object come to rest until it does so in the place in which he intended when he picked it up.