675. Liable Forms of Writing
Shabbos 11:8
Anything that is fit for use as animal feed, like straw, soft grass, palm branches, etc., may be trimmed on Shabbos because the limitations on preparing a utensil do not apply in such a case. One may break fragrant branches for their scent even if they are hard and dry. One may strip the bark off of branches, whether they are small or large.
Shabbos 11:9
One who writes two letters is liable, as is one who erases in order to be able to write two letters. If a person writes one letter so large that it’s the size of two regular letters, he is not liable. However, if a person erases one large letter in a space where two letters can be written, he is liable. One who writes a single letter that concludes a scroll is liable. One who writes in order to ruin the parchment is liable because a person is liable for the writing itself; the surface on which one writes is immaterial. If one erases writing intending to ruin the parchment, he is not liable. If a person erases ink that fell on a scroll or wax that fell on a writing tablet, he is liable if the space is large enough to write two letters.