673. Dangerous Animals
Shabbos 11:4
If animals or insects have bites that are definitely deadly, they may be killed on sight. This includes flies in Egypt, hornets in Nineveh (Assyria), scorpions in Adiabene (Mesopotamia), snakes in Israel and rabid dogs everywhere. When it comes to other dangerous animals, if they are chasing someone, they may be killed. If they are staying in place or running away from the person, they may not be killed. If a person steps on such creatures as he is walking and accidentally kills them, it is permitted.
Shabbos 11:5
One is liable for skinning enough hide to make an amulet. Similarly, one who cures this volume of hide is liable. One is liable for salting a hide because salting is one of the ways to cure a hide. Prohibitions associated with curing do not apply to food. Similarly, a person is liable for smoothing enough hide to make an amulet. Smoothing entails removing hair or wool from an animal’s hide after its death in order to make it smooth.