669. Hunting with Dogs
Shabbos 10:21
Regarding the eight creeping vermin (sheratzim) named by the Torah, as well as other creeping and crawling things, if a species is normally trapped, one is liable for trapping any of them, whether for a purpose or not, even as a mere pastime, because his intention was to trap it and his intention was fulfilled. One is liable for performing an act of labor even if he has no actual need for the labor that he performed. If a person traps an animal that is sleeping or blind, he is liable.
Shabbos 10:22
If a person sends dogs to trap deer, rabbits, and other such animals, causing them to flee, and the person chases the animal or blocks its path so that the dog can catch it, he is liable for a subordinate labor of trapping. The same is true when it comes to birds.