665. Building
Shabbos 10:13
If a person erects a permanent tent, he is liable for performing a subordinate labor of building. Similarly, one who makes an earthenware vessel before it is fired in a kiln is liable for a subordinate labor of building. Making cheese is a subordinate labor of building but one is not liable until he makes a volume of cheese equal in size to a dried fig. Putting the blade of an axe onto its handle and similar activities are also a subordinate labor of building. The same is true of attaching pieces of wood together, whether this is accomplished with a nail or by simply by inserting one piece into the other.
Shabbos 10:14
Making even the smallest hole in a chicken coop to admit light renders one liable for building. Replacing the cover of a cistern or a well, or other doors that serve as a floor, renders a person liable for building.