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Job - Chapter 16

Job "Spills His Guts"

Job responds to Eifaz:

"Yeah, yeah," Job says, "I've heard it all before. You're no help. We can go in circles like this all day. If our positions were reversed, I'm sure I'd say to you what you're saying to me. But I'm on this side of the discussion and you guys are draining me with your accusations. G-d clearly has issues with me and He's given me quite a beat-down. He hands me over to those who would harm me. Everything was cool, but then He grabbed me and started attacking me. His 'arrows' have wounded me to the extent that my guts are all over the ground. He has wounded me repeatedly, like a relentless soldier."

"I put on sack cloth" (or, perhaps, "I put gauze on my wounds") "and ashes on my face. I cried until I was at the brink of death. But did I do anything to deserve this treatment? No! I hope the ground doesn't conceal my blood so that everyone can see what G-d has done to me! Let my cries ascend to Heaven where they're testifying about me in G-d's court room. You should have supported me, but G-d knows I'm innocent. If only I could talk with Him like I do with you because a person has a limited lifespan and when he reaches the end, it's over."

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz