641. Plowing and Planting

Shabbos 8:1

One who plows even the smallest amount is liable. If someone removes the weeds around the roots of a tree, cuts grass or prunes branches to beautify his property, these are subordinate activities of plowing and he is liable for even the smallest amount of these labors. Similarly, if a person levels the surface of a field such as by flattening a mound or filling in a gorge, he is liable for plowing in the smallest amount of these labors. One who levels holes in any amount is liable.

Shabbos 8:2

One who plants even the smallest amount is liable. One who prunes a tree in order to encourage growth performs an activity that is similar to planting. Watering plants or trees on Shabbos is a subordinate labor of planting and one is liable in the smallest amount. Similarly, if a person soaks seeds of wheat, barley, etc. like in water, he performs a subordinate labor of planting and is liable in even the smallest amount.